The GG Sisters
According to Google in the next 48 hours you will….
According to Google 50% of us parents will have watched an online video related to shopping in the next 48 hours? Have you? Is this stat true? Keep reading about my morning at Google below.
I know it’s crazy! Bucket list check. One of the highlights of my career is what I am about to share with you.
Yesterday, I visited the Google office and it was awesome, actually it was fricken awesome. Here’s why: I got to sit in a google boardroom and learn about the top trends for Back to School based on Google. The fact that Google captures the data I’m about to show you is mind blowing and very interesting. Here are some stats that are pretty cool, at least I thought it was.
Did you know? Clothing and school supplies are most shopped items see image below.
Did you know that 50% of us have watched an online video related to shopping in the past 48 hours? Have you recently watched a back to school video in the past 48 hours? Here’s Ella looking up Back to School Videos.
More facts…. Bloggers and YouTube stars, Instagram videos and virtual assistants are replacing department store clerks and are inspiring BTS shopping choices. Of course check out those GG Sisters they are so influential. Ha!
Check out these Back to School search trends:
We are more likely to: Expect brands to allow them to re-order items they’ve already purchased with a single click.
Have household good or groceries delivered to their home automatically.
The GOOGLE Gods have answered- there are a few spots in our home that don’t have wifi, and at times this can be frustrating. The solution? Google has created Google wifi, which spreads the wifi signal throughout all parts of your home. These are the top 3 reasons we love the Google Home Wi-Fi System.
Control family wi-fi time- Yes you can give your family the digital detox you think they need when they need it.
Prioritize a device- Prioritize a device for faster streaming
Create a separate guest network
Back to my visit at Google….
They have an outdoor mini golf for staff, free food all day with their very own barista and they have this tea machine that whips up customized cups of loose leaf tea in under 30 seconds.
Google continues to lead the way for creating innovative tech products as well as solutions to help us all navigate easily thorough day-to-day activities. Thank you Google for leaving me informed, inspired, and excited to share my yesterday for your tomorrow today.
Disclaimer: We love Google, we use Google, so it’s easy for us to talk about Google. I was invited to a media event that discussed the BTS Google trends as well as Google Wifi.